Ultrasound - A window to the womb
Many abortion clinics are equipped with ultrasound equipment. They need it to measure the age of the child, before performing an abortion. But abortion providers do not allow pregnant women access to these images. Why?
The proof is in the picture.
What The Abortion Industry Doesn't Want You to See
The proof is in the picture.
What The Abortion Industry Doesn't Want You to See
Dr. Bernard Nathanson, known as the 'Abortion King' for his role in deceiving America to decriminalize abortion. He co-founded the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws in the late 1960"s (NARAL Pro-Choice America), ran the largest abortion facility in the western hemisphere, and trained Planned Parenthood doctors how to abort babies. Just a few months after the Roe and Doe U.S. Supreme Court decisions in 1973, Dr. Nathanson witnessed for the first time, a new technology: real-time ultrasound. He observed an unborn child in the womb - smiling, stretching, and wiggling her toes. In that moment, Dr. Nathanson became a leading advocate for life.
“The bottom line is no woman is going to want an abortion after she sees a sonogram.”
-Abortion clinic director, quoted in the New York Times. (“Dillon and Spitzer Clash Over Abortion,” New York Times, February 24, 2002)
“The bottom line is no woman is going to want an abortion after she sees a sonogram.”
-Abortion clinic director, quoted in the New York Times. (“Dillon and Spitzer Clash Over Abortion,” New York Times, February 24, 2002)