Tax Funding of Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa received over $5.8 million of your tax dollars last year.
(Source: PPGI Annual Report: Fiscal Year July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008)
Information on this page:
• Planned Parenthood's "Healthy Families" Sham Campaign
• Where Does Planned Parenthood Get All That Money?
• Examples of Planned Parenthood Programs Funded by Tax Dollars
• Take Action!
Planned Parenthood's "Healthy Families" Sham - Grab for More Iowa Tax Dollars
Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa's new "Healthy Families" Campaign, with slick mailers and an online petition, sounded the alarm about "unintended pregnancies" of teens in Iowa. But was it a veiled effort to grab more Iowa tax dollars?
Planned Parenthood's series of four flyers mailed to Iowans before the 2007 Iowa Caucuses warned: "Iowa ranks 48th in the country in availability of contraceptives, and ranks 39th in funding for family planning services." Do these low rankings by Planned Parenthood's research arm, the Guttmacher Institute mean that teen pregnancies are skyrocketing out of control in Iowa?
No. In fact, just the opposite – Iowa has the 7th lowest teen pregnancy rate in the nation – a statistic also from Guttmacher. Iowa's teen pregnancy and abortion rates have been dropping steadily since 1988. Other Midwest states ranked low in public contraceptive funding, like Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota also show low teen pregnancy rates and teen abortion rates.
Planned Parenthood pushed hard for its "Healthy Families" sham campaign in the 2008 Iowa Legislative session. The Senate voted in favor of $750,000.00 funding to Planned Parenthood. But then the House of Representatives voted to remove the $750,000 for the new family planning line item from the budget bill.
A Conference Committee, made up of 6 Democrats and 4 Republicans from both the House and Senate, ended up putting the new line item for "family planning" back into the state budget, giving the abortion industry an additional $750,000 on top of the millions they already receive from our taxes. Planned Parenthood lobbied hard for the money and has future plans to increase the funds to help them expand all over Iowa. Get the details in our Legislative Alerts section.
Tell your state senators and representatives, as well as your friends and neighbors, to "Say NO" to increased tax funding of Planned Parenthood.
Contact your legislators here.
Where Does Planned Parenthood Get All That Money?
Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its Iowa Affiliates are funded with your tax dollars in a variety of ways:
• Funds – Federal and state
• Grants – Federal and state grants
• Medicaid
Most of Planned Parenthood's Federal Money Comes from the Department of Health and Human Services. (U.S. General Accounting Office report). This money is usually authorized by The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
• Family Planning Grants
• Medicaid
• Social Services
• Maternal and Child Health (Block Grant)
• Services (Block Grant)
• Other Federal Programs
Examples of Planned Parenthood Programs Funded by Tax Dollars:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services funds:
• Iowa Family Planning Network (IFPN), which funds Planned Parenthood's "PlanSmart" program, that distributes free birth control to girls as young as 13 in the state of Iowa.
Iowa Department of Human Services, Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program funds:
• Planned Parenthood’s Teen Theater Troup, Acting Out! puts on plays for 6th graders to adults. They also plays for pre-school--5th grade that deal with smoking and drugs, not talking to strangers, being nice to others and many other age appropriate subjects.
Do Iowa taxpayers really need to give the state's largest abortion provider money to put on children's plays about "being nice to others?" Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa kills an average of 12 children in Iowa every day!
Local Funds
The Iowa City Council approved a $10,000 Community Development Block Grant to PPGI to help fund facility improvements at a Planned Parenthood clinic there in 2005.
(Source: PPGI, "The Source" newsletter, Summer 2005)
Take Action!
The most important thing to do is to contact your state and federal legislators and tell them to stop the Planned Parenthood pork barrel. Find more information on how to combat Planned Parenthood on our Fight Planned Parenthood page.
(Source: PPGI Annual Report: Fiscal Year July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008)
Information on this page:
• Planned Parenthood's "Healthy Families" Sham Campaign
• Where Does Planned Parenthood Get All That Money?
• Examples of Planned Parenthood Programs Funded by Tax Dollars
• Take Action!
Planned Parenthood's "Healthy Families" Sham - Grab for More Iowa Tax Dollars
Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa's new "Healthy Families" Campaign, with slick mailers and an online petition, sounded the alarm about "unintended pregnancies" of teens in Iowa. But was it a veiled effort to grab more Iowa tax dollars?
Planned Parenthood's series of four flyers mailed to Iowans before the 2007 Iowa Caucuses warned: "Iowa ranks 48th in the country in availability of contraceptives, and ranks 39th in funding for family planning services." Do these low rankings by Planned Parenthood's research arm, the Guttmacher Institute mean that teen pregnancies are skyrocketing out of control in Iowa?
No. In fact, just the opposite – Iowa has the 7th lowest teen pregnancy rate in the nation – a statistic also from Guttmacher. Iowa's teen pregnancy and abortion rates have been dropping steadily since 1988. Other Midwest states ranked low in public contraceptive funding, like Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota also show low teen pregnancy rates and teen abortion rates.
Planned Parenthood pushed hard for its "Healthy Families" sham campaign in the 2008 Iowa Legislative session. The Senate voted in favor of $750,000.00 funding to Planned Parenthood. But then the House of Representatives voted to remove the $750,000 for the new family planning line item from the budget bill.
A Conference Committee, made up of 6 Democrats and 4 Republicans from both the House and Senate, ended up putting the new line item for "family planning" back into the state budget, giving the abortion industry an additional $750,000 on top of the millions they already receive from our taxes. Planned Parenthood lobbied hard for the money and has future plans to increase the funds to help them expand all over Iowa. Get the details in our Legislative Alerts section.
Tell your state senators and representatives, as well as your friends and neighbors, to "Say NO" to increased tax funding of Planned Parenthood.
Contact your legislators here.
Where Does Planned Parenthood Get All That Money?
Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its Iowa Affiliates are funded with your tax dollars in a variety of ways:
• Funds – Federal and state
• Grants – Federal and state grants
• Medicaid
Most of Planned Parenthood's Federal Money Comes from the Department of Health and Human Services. (U.S. General Accounting Office report). This money is usually authorized by The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
• Family Planning Grants
• Medicaid
• Social Services
• Maternal and Child Health (Block Grant)
• Services (Block Grant)
• Other Federal Programs
Examples of Planned Parenthood Programs Funded by Tax Dollars:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services funds:
• Iowa Family Planning Network (IFPN), which funds Planned Parenthood's "PlanSmart" program, that distributes free birth control to girls as young as 13 in the state of Iowa.
Iowa Department of Human Services, Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program funds:
• Planned Parenthood’s Teen Theater Troup, Acting Out! puts on plays for 6th graders to adults. They also plays for pre-school--5th grade that deal with smoking and drugs, not talking to strangers, being nice to others and many other age appropriate subjects.
Do Iowa taxpayers really need to give the state's largest abortion provider money to put on children's plays about "being nice to others?" Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa kills an average of 12 children in Iowa every day!
Local Funds
The Iowa City Council approved a $10,000 Community Development Block Grant to PPGI to help fund facility improvements at a Planned Parenthood clinic there in 2005.
(Source: PPGI, "The Source" newsletter, Summer 2005)
Take Action!
The most important thing to do is to contact your state and federal legislators and tell them to stop the Planned Parenthood pork barrel. Find more information on how to combat Planned Parenthood on our Fight Planned Parenthood page.